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The Probability and statistics Math Mission is a set of skills on Khan Academy. This mission consists of many topics that deal with counting, probability and abstracting these concepts.

Probability and statistics

The Probability and statistics Math Mission dashboard.

Mission specifics[]

Mission Foundations[]

  1. Dividing decimals 4
  2. Slope-intercept equation from two solutions
  3. Multiplying fractions by fractions word problems
  4. Square roots of perfect squares
  5. Percent word problems
  6. Comparing probabilities
  7. Writing fractions as repeating decimals
  8. Rewriting decimals as fractions 2
  9. Multiplying decimals 3
  10. Rates and proportional relationships
  11. Adding decimals 2
  12. Subtracting decimals 2
  13. Points on the coordinate plane

Independent and dependent events[]

  1. Probability of rolling dice
  2. Describing subsets of sample spaces
  3. Simple probability
  4. Adding probabilities
  5. Independent probability
  6. Probabilities of compound events
  7. Identifying dependent and independent events
  8. Dependent probability
  9. Multiplying dependent probabilities
  10. Basic set notation

Probability and combinatorics[]

  1. Permutations
  2. Combinations
  3. Permutations and combinations
  4. Probability with permutations and combinations
  5. Simple hypothesis testing
  6. Using probability to make fair decisions

Statistical studies[]

  1. Statistical questions
  2. Valid claims
  3. Types of statistical studies
  4. Simple hypothesis testing
  5. Hypothesis testing in experiments
  6. Interpreting two-way tables
  7. Trends in categorical data

Descriptive statistics[]

  1. Mean, median, and mode
  2. Exploring mean and median
  3. Interpreting and comparing data distributions
  4. Average word problems
  5. Creating box plots
  6. Reading box plots
  7. Sample and population variance
  8. Exploring standard deviation
  9. Standard deviation of a population
  10. Sample and population standard deviation

Random variables and probability distributions[]

  1. Constructing probability distributions
  2. Expected value
  3. Expected value with empirical probabilities
  4. Expected value with calculated probabilities
  5. Making decisions with expected values


  1. Interpreting scatter plots
  2. Constructing scatter plots
  3. Fitting quadratic and exponential functions to scatter plots
  4. Eyeballing the line of best fit
  5. Linear models of bivariate data

Inferential statistics[]

  1. Empirical rule
  2. Z-scores 1
  3. Z-scores 2
  4. Z-scores 3


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