Using the chat is a privilege and there are guidelines to protect the community and our visitors. Thank you for respecting the chat policies and General Rules for our wiki!
For users:
- Be constructive: Do not do things that will disrupt the flow of chat. This includes but is not limited to: over using emoticons, capital letters, ASCII art, posting very long lines or links (please use, and strings of random characters/numbers.
- Be polite: Do not argue or insult others in chat. Treat everyone with respect and do not use foul language.
- Be helpful: If someone comes in asking for help with something greet them and lend a hand if you can. By doing this you create a welcoming atmosphere that makes newer and returning users more comfortable.
- Have fun: Make sure that you have a bit of fun in chat. Keep things engaging and interesting and do not be afraid to ask questions!
- Listen to the moderators: Always make sure to follow the instructions of the moderators as it is their job to keep the chat friendly. If you feel heated or upset take a step back from the computer and take some time to cool off and do something you like.
For moderators:
In addition to the aforementioned mods should:
- Be welcoming: Always make sure to greet new users and direct them to the chat guidelines. In doing this you help to create a warm and welcoming community that is fully aware of how the chat works.
- Be kind: Your kindness goes a long way to making the chat a more open and friendly place, remember to always be kind to users.
- Be cool: Do not let yourself get mad or upset at users. Remember, everyone makes mistakes and everyone gets upset from time to time. If you need to don't be afraid to step back and cool down as well.
- Be professional: Being professional means knowing when to give users a warning when they are misbehaving, when to kick a user, and when to ban a user and for how long. It also means knowing that talking it out is often times more effective than kicking a user and always better than banning them. Bans are always reserved for the last resort and should be used sparingly.