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Integer addition and subtraction: number line interpretation
Understanding-addition-and-subtraction-on-the-number-line 256
Exercise Name: Integer addition and subtraction: number line interpretation
Math Missions: 7th grade (U.S.) Math Mission
Types of Problems: 1

The Integer addition and subtraction: number line interpretation exercise appears under the 7th grade (U.S.) Math Mission. This exercise to reinforce the understanding of the geometric and algebraic version of numbers.

Types of Problems[]

There is one type of problem in this exercise:

  1. Interpret the expression: This problem provides an arithmetic expression involving integers and either addition or subtraction. The student is expected to find the selection that correctly interprets the situation.

    Interpret the expression


Knowledge of operations on positive and negative numbers and comfort with word problems are encouraged to ensure success on this exercise.

  1. A positive number is on the right and a negative is on the left.
  2. Adding is moving right and subtracting is moving left.
  3. A negative number can be thought of as "flipping over."

Real-life Applications[]

  1. Familiarity with operations on integers will lead into comfort with other more advanced numbers, such as radicals, fractions and even imaginary numbers.
  2. Many human calculators prefer geometric models of arithmetic to attain estimates efficiently.