The Early math Math Mission (sometimes referred to as K-2nd Math Mission) was a set of skills on Khan Academy. This mission introduced and applied natural numbers as counting numbers, practiced basic operations on natural numbers, and introduced some early geometry concepts such as measurement and common geometric shapes. Due to the June update and transitioning of Khan Academy, missions have been removed forever. They have now been replaced with course Mastery.

The Early math dashboard on Khan Academy
Mission Specifics[]
- Count with small numbers
- Count in order
- Find 1 more or 1 less than a number
- Missing numbers
- Numbers to 100
- Numbers to 120
- Count in pictures
- Count objects 1
- Count objects 2
- Compare numbers of objects 1
- Comparing numbers to 10
- Compare numbers of objects 2
Addition and subtraction intro[]
- Add within 5
- Subtract within 5
- Add within 10
- Subtract within 10
- Making 5
- Making small numbers in different ways
- Make 10 (grids and number bonds)
- Make 10
- Relate addition and subtraction
- Addition word problems within 10
- Subtraction word problems within 10
Place value-(tens and hundreds)[]
- Teen numbers
- Groups of ten objects
- Tens and ones
- 2-digit place value challenge
- Compare 2-digit numbers
- Hundreds, tens, and ones
- 3-digit place value challenge
- Compare 3-digit numbers
Addition and subtraction within 20[]
- Add within 5
- Add within 20
- Add 3 numbers
- Subtract within 20
- Equal sign
- Addition and subtraction word problems 1
- Addition and subtraction word problems 2
- Word problems with "more" and "fewer" 1
- Word problems with "more" and "fewer" 2
- Repeated addition
Addition and subtraction within 100[]
- Add 1 or 10
- Add 1s or 10s (no regrouping)
- Subtract 1 or 10
- Subtracting 1s or 10s (no regrouping)
- Add 2-digit numbers (no regrouping)
- Break apart 2-digit addition problems
- Regroup when adding 1-digit numbers
- Subtract 2-digit numbers (no regrouping)
- Subtract 1-digit numbers with regrouping
- Add 2-digit numbers by making tens
- Add 2-digit numbers by making tens 2
- Select strategies for adding within 100
- Add and subtract using a number line
- Add within 100
- Subtract within 100
- Add and subtract on the number line word problems
- Add and subtract within 100 word problems 1
- Add and subtract within 100 word problems 2
- Add and subtract within 100 word problems 3
- Challenging add and subtract word problems (within 100)
- Skip-count by 5s
- Skip-count by 10s
- Skip-counting by 100s
- Find the missing number (add and subtract within 100)
Addition and subtraction within 1000[]
- Add 10s and 100s (no regrouping)
- Add 2- and 3-digit numbers (no regrouping)
- Subtract 10s and 100s (no regrouping)
- Subtract 2- and 3-digit numbers (no regrouping)
- Break apart 3-digit addition problems
- Add using groups of 10 and 100
- Add and subtract on a number line
Measurement and data[]
- Compare size
- Order by length
- Measure lengths 1
- Measure lengths 2
- Estimate lengths
- Length word problems
- Solve problems with picture graphs 1
- Solve problems with bar graphs 1
- Solve problems with bar graphs 2
- Solve problems with line plots 1
- Make line plots
- Tell time with a labeled clock
- Tell time without labels
- Count money (U.S.)
- Name shapes 1
- Name shapes 2
- Name shapes 3
- Compare shapes
- Name shapes 4
- Compose shapes
- Halves and fourths
- Equal parts of circles and rectangles
- Length word problems
Users can view other Math Missions here.