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Divide polynomials by linear binomials with remainders
Divide-polynomials-by-binomials 256
Exercise Name: Divide polynomials by linear binomials with remainders
Math Missions: Algebra II Math Mission, Mathematics III Math Mission
Types of Problems: 1

The Divide polynomials by linear binomials with remainders exercise appears under the Algebra II Math Mission and Mathematics III Math Mission. This exercise practices rewriting expressions of the form , where is a polynomial is a linear binomial, in the form , where and are polynomials and the degree of is less than the degree of .

Types of Problems[]

There is one type of problem in this exercise:

  1. Find the quotient and remainder: This is a division problem of two polynomials. The user is expected to correctly perform the division with the linear binomials then type the quotient and remainder in the text boxes below.
    Divide polynomials by linear binomials with remainders

    Find the quotient and remainder.


Knowledge of division with polynomials and linear binomials are encouraged to ensure success on this exercise.

  1. Some of the problems can be done with synthetic division. However, there are also problems that will require formal long division because of division by non-linear polynomials.

Real-life Applications[]

  1. Operations on functions are way to be able to help functions communicate with each other. One of these operations is division.