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The 4th Grade (U.S.) Math Mission is a set of skills on Khan Academy. This mission consists of continued practice of operations on different types of numbers, introduction of remainder when dividing, relationships between decimals and fractions, practice with applications and word problems and continued expansion of basic geometric and statistical concepts.

4th Grade U.S.

The 4th Grade (U.S.) dashboard.

Mission Specifics[]

Mission Foundations[]

  1. Multiply by tens
  2. 1-digit division
  3. Two-step word problems with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  4. Fractions on the number line
  5. Comparing fractions with the same numerator or denominator
  6. Perimeter 2
  7. Finding area by multiplying
  8. Rounding to the nearest 10 or 100
  9. Solving basic multiplication and division equations
  10. Meaning of division
  11. Meaning of multiplication

Addition and subtraction[]

  1. 4th grade warm up
  2. Addition within 1000
  3. Subtraction within 1000

Multiplication and division[]

  1. Multiplication without carrying
  2. Multiplication with carrying
  3. Multiply a 1-digit number by 10, 100, and 1000
  4. Multiply a 1-digit number by 10, 100, and 1000
  5. Multiplication using place value understanding
  6. Multiplying 2 digits by 2 digits
  7. Multiplying 4 digits by 1 digit with visual models
  8. Multiplying 2 digits by 2 digits with area models
  9. Comparing with multiplication
  10. Comparing with multiplication word problems
  11. Multiplication and division word problems
  12. Dividing by one-digit numbers (no remainders)
  13. Division using place value understanding
  14. Multi-digit division with visual models
  15. Division with remainders
  16. Multi-step word problems with whole numbers


  1. Equivalent fractions (with fraction models)
  2. Equivalent fractions
  3. Equivalent fractions and different wholes
  4. Common denominators
  5. Visually comparing fractions with unlike denominators
  6. Comparing fractions with different numerators and denominators
  7. Ordering fractions
  8. Decomposing fractions
  9. Adding fractions with common denominators
  10. Subtracting fractions with common denominators
  11. Adding and subtracting fractions of pizzas, pies, and cakes
  12. Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators word problems
  13. Converting mixed numbers and improper fractions
  14. Comparing fractions and mixed numbers
  15. Adding and subtracting mixed numbers with like denominators 1
  16. Adding and subtracting mixed numbers with like denominators 2
  17. Multiplying unit fractions and whole numbers
  18. Multiplying fractions by whole numbers
  19. Multiplying fractions and whole numbers intuition
  20. Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers: Equivalent Expressions
  21. Multiplying fractions and whole numbers word problems
  22. Equivalent fractions with denominators of 10 to 100 intuition
  23. Equivalent fractions with denominators of 10 and 100
  24. Decompose fractions with denominators of 100
  25. Adding fractions with 10 and 100 as denominators


  1. Decimals in words
  2. Decimal intuition with grids
  3. Rewriting fractions as decimals
  4. Fraction-decimal intuition
  5. Understanding place value for decimals greater than one
  6. Rewriting decimals as fractions
  7. Comparing decimals visually
  8. Comparing decimals and fractions
  9. Comparing decimals (tenths, hundredths, and thousandths)

Measurement and data[]

  1. Unit sense
  2. Converting larger units to smaller units
  3. Time word problems
  4. Converting money word problems
  5. Area problems
  6. Area and perimeter of rectangles word problems
  7. Converting to smaller units word problems (metric)
  8. Interpreting dot plots with fraction addition and subtraction


  1. Recognizing rays, lines, and line segments
  2. Recognizing parallel and perpendicular lines
  3. Drawing rays, lines, and line segments
  4. Name angles
  5. Measuring angles
  6. Drawing angles
  7. Angle types
  8. Recognizing angles
  9. Drawing right, acute, and obtuse angles
  10. Benchmark angles
  11. Decomposing angles
  12. Axis of symmetry
  13. Quadrilateral types
  14. Recognizing triangle types
  15. Classifying shapes by line and angle types

Factors, multiples and patterns[]

  1. Divisibility intuition
  2. Factor pairs
  3. Identifying factors and multiples
  4. Prime numbers
  5. Composite numbers
  6. Math patterns 2

Place value and rounding[]

  1. Place value
  2. Place value blocks
  3. Numbers in expanded form
  4. Numbers in written form
  5. Rounding whole numbers 2
  6. Understanding place value
  7. Understanding whole number representations
  8. Rounding whole numbers
  9. Whole number place value challenge
  10. Understanding place value when multiplying and dividing by 10

Users can view other Math Missions here.